Organic versus Non-Organic Food
For pre-intermediate learners
Organic food is very popular. It is also expensive. Some organic food costs twice as much as non-organic food. New parents and pet owners pay up to 200 percent more for organic food. Some people think organic food is a waste of money.
There is one main difference between organic and non-organic food. Organic farms do not use agricultural chemicals, such as pesticides. In many countries organic foods have special labels. These guarantee that the products are natural.
Some people think organic means locally grown. Originally this was true. Over time organic farming became more difficult. The demand for organic food grew larger than the supply. Small companies had to sell out to large companies. There wasn't enough organic ingredients, such as grain and cattle. This made it difficult for many organic companies to stay in business. Today, many large companies have an organic line of products.
Is organic food more nutritious? This is part of the debate. Many farmers and consumers believe it is. They think agricultural chemicals cause health problems such as cancer or allergies. Many health professionals disagree. Few studies prove that organic foods prevent health problems. Health specialists worry more about bacteria, such as E.coli and salmonella. These can come into contact with organic and non-organic food. Doctors recommend washing produce very carefully. Handling meat carefully is important too.
Most people agree that naturally grown food tastes better. Is tastier food worth the extra money? This is a matter of opinion. Whether it is healthier or not may require more research. However, organic consumers argue it is better to be safe than sorry.
1Another word for an argument is a .
2Some people think paying extra for organic food is a .
3When something is "nutritious" it is .
4A product that costs a lot of money is .
5The person who buys something is the .
Pollution Reading: Water, Air and Soil Contamination
For upper-intermediate learners
Pollution is an environmental concern for people throughout the world. One university study suggests that pollutants in the water, air, and soil cause up to 40 percent of the premature deaths in the world's population. The majority of these deaths occur in developing countries.
Water in many third world countries is contaminated with toxic chemicals, also known as toxins. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 1.1 billion people have little or no access to clean water. In many of these regions the water that is used for drinking, cooking, and washing is the same water that is used for dumping sewage and hazardous waste. Most developing countries cannot afford water treatment facilities. Approximately 80% of infectious diseases in the world are caused by contaminated water.
Air pollution is a growing problem throughout the world. Indoor air pollution is one of the leading causes of lung cancer. Families in developing countries use open stoves for cooking and heating their homes. These homes do not have proper ventilation. The smoke, which is full of chemicals and carcinogens, gets trapped inside where families eat and sleep. Outdoor pollution also causes disease and illness, especially in industrial cities such as Beijing, China, where cancer is the leading cause of death. China relies heavily on coal, which is considered the dirtiest source of energy. According to the European Union, only 1% of urban dwellers in China breathe clean air on an average day. Neighbouring countries including Japan and Korea receive much of China's pollution in the form of acid rain. This pollution results mainly from the coal powered factories, which produce inexpensive goods for North American and European consumers. Outdoor air pollution is also a concern in many wealthy countries. Those who live and work in urban centres such as Los Angeles or Toronto experience many warm days beneath a layer of smog.
Soil pollution is also a major concern, both in industrial and developing countries. Pollutants such as metals and pesticides seep into the earth's soil and contaminate the food supply. Soil pollution causes major health risks to entire ecosystems. This type of pollution reduces the amount of land suitable for agricultural production and contributes to global food shortages. Dumping of industrial and domestic waste products produces much of the world's soil pollution, though natural disasters can also add to the problem. In wealthy countries such as the US, protection agencies monitor the food supply. The public is generally warned before major health outbreaks occur. Developing countries do not have this luxury. Farmers in poor nations grow food in contaminated soil both to earn a living and to avoid starvation.
As more people move to urban centres, premature deaths caused by pollution are expected to increase worldwide. Today, the developed nations who achieved their wealth at the expense of the environment will be held accountable for protecting the earth's resources for future generations.
Vocabulary Quiz
This quiz is based on this pollution vocabulary page.
1 | Garbage that requires careful disposal is called waste. | |
2 | This is a form of precipitation that contains pollution. | |
3 | Something that is one of the most important issues or concerns is a . | |
4 | Windows and fans provide important . | |
5 | regions are often contaminated with air pollution. |
1According to the article, what causes 40% of the world's premature deaths?
2What is the main reason people die of waterborne illnesses?
3Which is the main cause of lung cancer in third world countries?
4According to the article, where is cancer the leading cause of death?
5Which is NOT mentioned as a source of soil pollution? Choose two.
Endangered Species Reading: Polar Bear
Makes the List
In Spring 2008, the polar bear was placed on the endangered species list. According to the Endangered Species Act, an endangered species is an animal that is likely to face extinction in its natural habitat. Polar bears have been categorized as a "threatened" species. The ESA defines a threatened species as one that is likely to become "endangered" in the foreseeable future.
The polar bear is the first animal that has been classified as endangered due primarily to global warming. Global warming is caused by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that become trapped in the atmosphere. Heating homes, driving cars, and burning garbage all require fossil fuels that lead to global warming.
The polar bear's habitat is more vulnerable to global warming than many other species. Polar bears live mainly on the sea ice in the Arctic. This is where they hunt for fish and build up fat reserves. When the ice melts many polar bears move to land and live off their stored fat. In the Arctic, global warming is causing the ice to melt slightly earlier and form slightly later. This results in a shorter feeding season for the polar bear. Some risk their lives to find ice. If they have to swim too far they will drown from exhaustion and hunger. The World Wildlife Fund estimates that 25% of the Arctic sea ice has disappeared in the past 30 years.
It is not only the polar bear that is at risk in the Arctic. Every species of plant, animal, and insect there is threatened by global warming. Nevertheless, environmentalist groups such as the World Wildlife Fund often study large carnivores in order to assess the health of an ecosystem. The Arctic food chain relies on the polar bear. In addition, donations are more commonly offered for the protection of large animals such as bears or elephants. People in general are less interested in conservation efforts that protect small wildlife, such as plants or insects. However, by using donor money to protect the habitat of the larger animals (ex. reforestation programs), entire ecosystems can be protected.
It is important that animals such as the polar bear make it onto the endangered species list. Once they are on the list there are laws that protect these animals from being hunted for food or sport. Agencies also receive money and tools to protect the habitat and recover the species. The goal of removing the animal from the list is often achievable. Since the Endangered Species Act was introduced in the US in 1973, many species have been taken off the list due to increased populations. In fact, it is rare for a species to go extinct after they make the list. Sadly many species do go extinct while waiting for consideration.
The Disappearing Honeybee: Reading
For low intermediate learners
Do you run away when you hear a bee buzzing? Many people do. A bee sting hurts and some people are allergic to bee venom. But did you know that bees are very important to humans? Honeybees do more than just make honey. They fly around and pollinate flowers, plants, and trees. Our fruits, nuts, and vegetables rely on these pollinators. One third of America's food supply is pollinated by the honeybee.
Have you seen or heard a honeybee lately? Bees are mysteriously disappearing in many parts of the world. Most people don't know about this problem. It is called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). Some North American beekeepers lost 80% of their hives from 2006-2008. Bees in Italy and Australia are disappearing too.
The disappearance of the honeybee is a serious problem. Can you imagine never eating another blueberry? What about almonds and cherries? Without honeybees food prices will skyrocket. The poorest people always suffer the worst when there is a lack of food.
This problem affects other foods besides fresh produce. Imagine losing your favourite ice cream! Haagen Daaz is a famous ice cream company. Many of their flavours rely on the hard working honey bee. In 2008 Haagen Daaz began raising money for CCD. They also created a website called
Donating money to research is the most important thing humans can do to save the honeybees. Scientists need money to investigate the causes of Colony Collapse Disorder. Some scientists blame CCD on climate change. Others think pesticides are killing the bees. Commercial bee migration may also cause CCD. Beekeepers transport their hives from place to place in order to pollinate plants year round.
Not everyone has money to donate regularly. There are other ways to help the honeybee. Spread the word, by telling your friends and family about the problem. Tell your teacher about the disappearing bees too. Maybe your class can write a letter to the government.
The Fitness Pill
For intermediate learners
These days there are pills for just about everything. If you can't sleep, take a pill. If you're unhappy, take a pill. What about if you're overweight and you don't have time to exercise? A new fitness pill may soon be available. Scientists are developing a pill that provides the same benefits as exercise. According to a BBC report, the fitness pill will "build muscle, increase stamina, and even burn fat."
Would you take a pill if it meant you no longer needed the treadmill? Researchers found that mice who took these pills could run long-distances without previous training. The test mice also ran almost twice as far. There is evidence that humans on these pills will also be able to build muscles without exercising. Furthermore, the research suggests that those who exercise and take the fitness pill will be even stronger.
Some researchers think the fitness pill will be useful in certain situations. People who cannot get out of bed due to ill health may benefit from the drug. Those with diabetes may also benefit. Many diseases cause muscle wasting, which prevents patients from recovering. Other researchers feel that the average adult might benefit from such a drug. Most adults do not get the 40 minutes of daily exercise that doctors recommend. The fitness pill requires no need for spare time.
The greatest concern about the fitness pill is in the sports world. Some fear that athletes will be tempted to use this drug to enhance performance. The pill has not been approved for human use yet, however, some athletes may already be taking it. Top athletes already go through extensive drug testing before national and international events. The world renowned gold medalist swimmer, Michael Phelps, voluntarily went through extra drug testing before the 2008 Olympics. He wanted to prove to the public that his strength comes from hard work and training before the world became skeptical.
Eliminating Trans Fats
For upper-intermediate learners
Does your mouth water when you think of potato chips, donuts, and pie? Many people prefer "junk food" to healthy food because they develop a taste for it. Processed, baked, and fried foods typically contain a high amount of trans fats.
Trans fat raises the bad cholesterol in your body and lowers the good cholesterol that the body needs. Fatty foods do more than cause obesity. Trans fats build up in the body and block blood flow to the heart. People whose diet contains a high percentage of trans fats are at risk for heart disease and stroke.
Trans fat is a semi-solid type of oil. It is made by adding hydrogen to liquid oil. Food companies and restaurants like to use trans fat oil because it is inexpensive and makes food like crackers and baked goods last longer. It also improves the taste and texture of food. Trans fats became very popular in the second half of the 20th century. This is around the time when butter got a bad name. People were told to use margarine instead because it was made from trans fats.
Today doctors know how dangerous these processed foods are. In countries such as the US and Canada there are new government restrictions on food production. Food and beverage makers have to attach a Nutrition Fact label to their products. These list daily recommendations and detail all ingredients including the amount of trans fats in a product. New York city banned trans fats from all restaurants. Even fast food chains such as McDonalds are being forced to change their recipes. In Europe, food manufacturers have started using a voluntarily labeling system at the consumers' request.
We all need some fat in our diet. There are three different types of fats: saturated fats, trans fats, and unsaturated fats. Doctors recommend that we get most of our fatty calories from unsaturated fats. Neither butter 'nor margarine fit in this category, though there are some spreads that contain zero trans fats. Labels are a good way to avoid eating fatty foods that are dangerous for your health. Another way is to avoid eating out. When shopping for groceries, buy the majority of your goods in the fresh food aisles.
Stress Quiz
For all levels
Read the following statements about stress. Are they True (correct) or False (wrong)? Try the quiz and check your answers. To learn more about the answers check out the answer key.
1 | All stress is bad for the body. |
2 | Stress is caused by working too much. |
3 | Stress can cause your hair to fall out. |
4 | Planning ahead prevents stress. |
5 | Those with chronic stress should consider getting a pet. |
6 | Visualization is a form of stress relief that involves thinking positive thoughts. |
7 | Letting your anger out immediately is a good way to avoid stress. |
8 | Laughter is one of the best ways to relieve stress. |
9 | Deep relaxation raises blood pressure. . |
10 | When you are feeling stressed out you should choose a cup of coffee over a banana. |
Are Cell Phones Dangerous?
For advanced learners
Is talking on a cell phone hazardous to your health? It is difficult to know for sure. Some research suggests that heavy users of mobile phones are at a greater risk of developing brain tumours. However, many other studies suggest there are no links between cancer and cell phone use.
The main problem with the current research is that mobile phones have only been popular since the 1990s. As a result, it is impossible to study the long term exposure of cell phone use. This concerns many health professionals who point out that many cancers take at least 10 years to develop. Another concern about these studies is that many have been funded by those who benefit financially from the cell phone industry.
Over three billion people use cell phones on a daily basis, and many talk for more than an hour a day. Cell phone antennas are similar to microwave ovens. While both rely on electromagnetic radiation, the radio waves in cell phones are lower in radio frequency (RF). Microwave ovens have enough RF to cook food and are therefore known to be dangerous to human tissues. However, the concern is that the lower frequency radio waves that cell phones rely on may also be dangerous. It seems logical that holding a heat source near your brain for a long period of time is a potential health hazard.
Some researchers believe that other types of wireless technology may also be dangerous to human health, including laptops, cordless phones, and gaming consoles. Organizations that are concerned about the effects of Electromagnetic Radiation suggest replacing all cordless devices with wired ones. They say that many cordless phones emit dangerous levels of EMR even when they are not in use. They even suggest keeping electronic devices, such as computers and alarm clocks out of bedrooms, or at least six feet from your pillow.
A growing number of health professionals worldwide are recommending that cell phone users err on the side of caution until more definitive studies can be conducted. They recommend that adults use head sets or speaker phones and that children and teens, whose brain tissue are still developing, use cell phones only for emergencies. Concerned medical experts use the example of tobacco to illustrate the potential risks. Many years ago, people smoked freely and were not concerned about the effects of cigarettes on their health. Today, people know that cigarettes cause lung cancer, though it is still unknown exactly how or why. Some doctors fear that the same thing will happen with devices such as cell phones.
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